A) I, Kendall Delgado, affirm that I completed 10 hours of work towards my 30 for my independent component.
B) The idea for my independent component came from Debbie Motts and Lisa Martinez.
c) I do not have the log of the 30 hours completed due to the fact that some still need to be completed. The hours completed were with Debbie Motts, Lisa Martinez, Carol Stringfella, Liva Vargas, and Pam Hunzeker. I have spoken with all of these women multiple times accumulating my hours trying to set up times and conformations to complete my independent component.
D) I plan on meeting with these women, interviewing them and or their families, and taking pictures of the effects breast cancer has had on their bodies. I plan on placing this all together as a form of book that can be used to share with newly diagnosed women as a coping method.
Email sent to ogden with names with phone numbers attached.
I feel that helping to create a method of coping that families and women can look at I am helping to show that communication and working with the American Cancer Society is very vital. I hope that once I am done these women will appreciate the time and effort I am placing in creating this for them.