Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Blog 23

1. Rhaven Innis South House.

2. I actually have two ideas for my senior project. I want to either do experimental psychology or graphic design. I'm choosing experimental psychology because I absolutely am infatuated with anything that has to do your brain and why you do the things you do. It's always been something that I've been completely interested in. I'm choosing graphic design as my fallback option. I love design aesthetics and I think that it's only right for anything to be aesthetically pleasing to the audience.

3. I plan on mentoring at some institution where I can observe children as apart of developmental psychology. I was also thinking of mentoring somewhere where I can work with psychology majors who do experiments on adults. I think it would be cool to take those same experiments and try them on children to see the different results. For graphic design mentorship, I would like to go somewhere like a university of some sort where graphic design is a major study.

4. When watching the senior presentations I hope to gain presentation skills. I don't want to be boring because I heard that these topics that I chose tend to be boring which is always bad. I love these topics and I think they're interesting and I would want my audience to be intrigued as well.

5. How was senior year overall? Wrap it up in one word. I'm considering whether coming back or not because the things that teachers tell us and the things that I hear are pretty persuasive. I don't know if I can handle the stress to tell you the truth. Also what was the hardest part of completing your senior project? What are some valuable tips to "surviving" dreaded senior year?

The hardest part is sticking with it. Towards the end it kinda feels like you just can't do it anymore. But u really am proud of my project and my topic. Don't fall behind on your mentorship! I didn't but I know some people who did and it's gonna suck in the end if you don't keep up with it. It really is worth it to keep going.

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